A film from "Summer," the first group of works from the Love & Eros CINEMA COLLECTION 2nd season, created by filmmakers from various fields on the themes of love and sex. Depicts a somewhat unusual love situation comprising a trio of girls and a guy. Jun (Hamada Shoko) has a boyish appearance, and a trifling incident leads to her debut as a male model. She has a crush on crash-pad provider Tetsuro (Kasahara Hideyuki), but he is infatuated with magazine editor Erina. Is there any hope for the romantic fulfillment of Jun, who Tetsuro mistakenly believes to be guy?
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Sign inOriginal Nameちょっとエッチな生活体験 接吻5秒前 (A Slightly Erotic Life Experience: 5 Seconds Before The Kiss)
StatusReleased: 13 years ago
June 23, 2012
Spoken Languages日本語