In modern-day Tokyo, Hayato and Ami, high school students who are in a relationship, get into a fight over Hayato's lack of commitment to their relationship. After they break up, Hayato gets into a traffic accident and falls into a coma. Ami, who furiously blames herself, suddenly picks up the copy of Victor-Marie Hugo's "The Beautiful Pecopin and the Devil" that was in Hayato's bag, and reads it at Hayato's bedside. As Hayato sleeps, he lives out the adventures of Pecopin from the novel with Ami and other figures from the real world taking the place of the book's characters.
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Sign inOriginal Name美男ペコパンと悪魔 (Beautiful Pecopin and the Devil)
StatusReleased: 2 years ago
June 2, 2023
Spoken Languages日本語
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