Big Land, Flying Eagles is a spaghetti western-sequel desert intrigue film set on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Xiao Fung, a notable swordsman, has killed the son of a local warlord, Lee San, and the 3,000,000 tael that Lee’s son was transporting, now seems to have gone missing. Xiao Fung is now marked for death by Lee San, but finds protection from “Killer Eagle” another swordsman of great repute, and a band of nomadic Mongolian traders. Nevertheless, Lee sends killers of unusual backgrounds, including Buddhist monks, to hunt Xiao Fung down, while Xiao Fung seems curiously preoccupied with a woman who’s embroiled in unstated conflicts with practically everybody.
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Sign inOriginal Name大地飛鷹 (Big Land Flying Eagles)
StatusReleased: 47 years ago
July 22, 1978
Spoken Languages普通话