El Salvador: Lost Archives of the Armed Conflict, Vol. 3
In 1989, ARENA won the presidential elections. That same year, after a few months before the democratically elected executive office took power, the FMLN launched the biggest military offensive of the war called "To the Top" on November 11. ARENA, under the direction of Alfredo Cristiani as President of the country, had resumed peace negotiations in order to find a peaceful solution to a conflict that had already cost thousands of lives.
~ Was it worth it?Gerardo Muyshondt
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Sign inOriginal NameEl Salvador: archivos perdidos del conflicto, Vol. 3 (El Salvador: Lost Archives of the Armed Conflict, Vol. 3)
StatusReleased: 9 years ago
November 12, 2015
Spoken LanguagesEspañol
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