The story involves various ninja clans in a constant state of war with one another. The female protagonist is Miko Mido, a young ninja-in-training and the next leader of the Miroku ninja clan. This clan has control over the Shikima, a perverted race of sex-hungry demons led by Miko's father, the Shikima Lord. However, when thieves steal the magic compact that grants the clan this power, Miko has to fight the Shikima, utilizing her "sexcraft" ninjutsu in order to save the world. The Shikima live in a parallel dimension called the Shikima Realm, and one must perform specific sexual rituals in order to travel there. A Compilation of the first four Episodes of La Blue Girl.
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Sign inOriginal NameInjuu Gakuen Climax Taizen (La Blue Girl: Climax Taizan)
StatusReleased: 23 years ago
March 20, 2002
Spoken Languages日本語