Midori (Misora), the adopted daughter of Kinnosuke (Kawamura), a ship carpenter in a port town, was born a good singer. Her mother is dead, her father has been missing since he left for war, and the orphan Midori is given to Kinnosuke and his wife, who soon have a baby together, so she is treated as an obstacle. When a female sword-play troupe comes to town, she cannot forget the kindness shown to her by female magician Katsutamusai Harue (Awashima), so she follows the troupe on their tours. Midori became a popular singer and was loved by the troupe, but only Yoshizawa (Abe), the leader of the troupe, had eyes for Midori and bullied her.
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Sign inOriginal Name陽氣な渡り鳥 (Merry Migratory Birds)
StatusReleased: 73 years ago
January 3, 1952
Spoken LanguagesUnknown