A Japanese film released on November 23, 2012. This is the second installment of Toei Hero Next. It features the casts of Kamen Rider Fourze. Yukio Asao (Fukushi Sota), a college student, was suddenly surrounded by lights and was detained in the interrogation room when he noticed. That is 25 years later from now, in the future. And there, he will be executed for his own sins of killing as many as five people. Yukio, who is convinced of his innocence, begins to escape under the guidance of "Riseman" (Ryo Yoshizawa). The time limit for the approaching public execution is only 72 hours. Can they prove his innocence and change the future?
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Sign inOriginal Nameぼくが処刑される未来 (My future of being executed)
StatusReleased: 12 years ago
November 23, 2012
Spoken Languages日本語