A journey of a son separated from his mother during the 1971 war. A son embarks on a quest to reunite with his mother in the United States, the profound impact of his search leaving an indelible mark and shattered his life forever.
Shakib Khan
Shamsul "Sam" Haque / Rajkumar
Courtney Coffey
Mahiya Mahi
Musammad Khadija Begum, Sam's mother
Tariq Anam Khan
Abdul Goni Miah
Dilara Zaman
Musammad Rahima Khatun, Sam's grandmother
Ejajul Islam
Signal Bhai
Ahmed Sharif
Khabir Uddin
Yasir Arafat Rahim
Sojib Vai
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Original Nameরাজকুমার (Rajkumar)
StatusReleased: 9 months agoApril 11, 2024
Spoken Languagesবাংলা