Tachibana Shuji (Kazuki Namioka), leader of the Tachibana-gumi under the Anzai-gumi, is a unique figure—a university graduate turned yakuza. Known as the youngest leader in the Anzai-gumi, he was inspired by Anzai Takashi (Koichi Iwaki), the group's boss, and chose the yakuza path, aiming to be like him. Trouble arises when a thug from the Otsuru Family deals drugs in Anzai-gumi’s territory, violating their rules and sparking conflict. As tensions with the Otsuru Family threaten war, internal rifts form within the Anzai-gumi. Meanwhile, Anzai is set to be released from prison after 13 years, setting the stage for a dramatic showdown.
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Sign inOriginal Name疵と掟 (Scars and Codes)
StatusReleased: 6 years ago
September 1, 2018
Spoken Languages日本語