In 1978, at the Kyoto nightclub "Barami," Ryuji Kagawa (Toru Minegishi), boss of the Yamada-gumi, was gunned down. The man targeting the leader of Japan's largest organization was Wataru Naruse (Kazuyoshi Ozawa) of the Nihon Makoto-kai. This is the story of a reckless conflict—likened to "ants" challenging a "giant elephant"—as men, seeking vengeance for their boss, the first president of the Nihon Makoto-kai, Katsuichi Yoshimura (Hitoshi Ozawa), take on Japan's largest organization.
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Sign inOriginal Name組長射殺 ~首領を撃て!~ (Shoot the Boss: Shoot the Leader!)
StatusReleased: 17 years ago
October 25, 2007
Spoken Languages日本語