Directed by Seyed Masoud Atyabi was made in 2018. This movie is produced in Iran and in the comedy and family genre. In this film, Mehdi Hashemi, Reza Attaran, Ahmed Mehranfar, Barzou Arjamand, Shagaig Dehghan, Siros Hemti, Omid Rouhani, Mehdi Faqih, Shakib Shajare and Mehsa Tahmasabi have acted as artists.
~ A man who is burdened with heavy debts, decides to commit a big robbery with the help of his colleague and friend from his youth to pay off his debts; A robbery that creates funny adventures for all three of them.Director
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Sign inOriginal Nameانفرادی (Solitary)
StatusReleased: 6 years ago
June 11, 2019
Spoken Languagesفارسی