The second in a series of anime works depicting the activities of Yamikinya Manda Ginjiro, who is called "Minami no Ogre". Yanagida, a machine supplier who had lent money to Ginjiro, visited him. Yanagida had borrowed from Ginjiro the unpaid portion of the machine delivery fee to Tamura Iron Works, but Tamura Iron Works went bankrupt and was unable to repay. From Yanagida's story, Ginjiro senses that a professional sorter has moved behind the scenes, and finds out a man named Gennai, the sorter.
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Sign inOriginal Name難波金融伝 ミナミの帝王2 (The King of Minami 2)
StatusReleased: 31 years ago
May 27, 1994
Spoken Languages日本語