Arun Kumar (born 21 September 1986), known mononymously as Atlee, is an Indian director who makes Tamil-language films. A former assistant director under S. Shankar on the films Enthiran (2010) and Nanban (2012), he is best known for his directorial debut, Raja Rani, produced by Fox Star Studios, for which he was awarded the Vijay Award for Best Debut Director. His next ventures as a director, screenplay and writer for Theri (2016), Mersal (2017) and Bigil (2019), all featured actor Vijay, all of which saw commercial success. He made his Hindi debut with the 2023 film Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan.
as Original Story
as Screenplay
as Story
as Story
as Screenplay
as Dialogue
as Story
as Screenplay
as Dialogue
as Dialogue
as Writer
as Story
as Writer
as Writer
as Self
as Cameo Appearance
as Special Appearance in "Singappenney" Song
as Appearance in “Asku Lasku” Song
as Producer
as Producer
as Producer
as Presenter