Lukman Sardi
Lukman Sardi
Lukman Sardi (born in Jakarta, July 14, 1971) is an Indonesian actor and director. He is famous as a character in his films. He is also the son of Zerlita and Idris Sardi, the legendary Indonesian violin musician. Idris Sardi then got married to Marini, so Lukman was the half-brother of the singer Shelomita.
Known For
as Ridwan Bahri
as Restu Kurniawan
as Beni Aksan
as Hardiman
as Romo Rendra
as Panca
as Pengkhotbah
as Zaenal Effendi
as Mr. Arga
as Nuke's Father
as Ridwan Bahri
as Self
as Soewito
as Himself
as Ahmad
as Anto
as Sanusi
as Yusuf
as Ariff Dirgantara
as Gion
as Sur's Father
as Bakar
as Self
as Komandan Rohmat
as Jumik
as Lukman Sardi
as Lindu
as Bobit (voice)
as Zul
as Mr. Besari
as MF Siregar
as Ridwan Bahri
as The Father
as Hikmat Wardana (Bapak)
as Werku Alit
as Tumenggung Notoprojo
as Arya
as Ferdi
as Badhurah
as Ferdi
as Rudi
as Aditya
as Fuad / Suha
as Intel
as Djarwo
as Corko
as Joesoef Ronodipoero
as Mat Killer
as Tyo
as Ustad Etawa
as Ikal Dewasa
as Mohammad Hatta
as Pak Tampan
as Miko's Dad
as Agus
as Abang (Segment: Malaikat Juga Tahu)
as Bang Supi
as Pastor Samuel
as Toro
as Bagas
as Andri Lukito
as Bakar
as Pak Damar
as Muslat
as Pengacara
as Pak Alim
as Kapten Amir
as Bang Suma
as Kapten Amir
as Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan
as Yopie
as Lukman
as Older Ikal
as Bang Suma (Heart-Break.com Agent)
as Amir
as Bayu
as Kang Sono
as Tito
as Guru SMP
as Ikal Dewasa
as Gandang
as Aryan Hidayat
as Kang Sono
as Piktor
as Suroso
as Umar
as Haryo
as Kuta
as Mr. Lik
as Marwan
as Herman Lantang
as Mr. Joni
as Rizal Dewantoro
as Memet
as Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Executive Producer
as Associate Producer
as Producer
as Writer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer
as Creative Producer