The story follows the amnesiac detective Jian Buzhi who starts on a quest to finding the truth and unmasking his father's killer. Along the way, he finds a love interest and a good friend who work hand in hand with him to solve mysterious cases.
Total of 26 episodes.
April 9, 2020
Yu Jiwei
Jian Bu Zhi
Wang Yanyang
Zhao Wo Huan
Wang Ruoshan
Zhan Shi Qi
Zehan Ma
Ming Yue
Du Yafei
Wang Xingwei
Huang Riying
Hao Shuai
Song Yagang
Zhan San
Fei Long
Hua Yuan
Ming Junchen
Bai Ma
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Original Name侠探简不知 (Ancient Detective)
StatusEnded at: May 20, 20202020-20205 years ago
Spoken Languages普通话