Barefooted Friends is a South Korean reality-variety show; a part of SBS's Good Sunday lineup, along with Running Man. It was first aired on April 21, 2013. The show is an "real outdoor hardship variety"; a spin on typical outdoor variety shows. The members experience "real happiness" with others through challenges. The words, Barefooted is supposed to mean essence, sincerity, and real hardships, where as Friends not only represents the cast, but the people that are met as well. It has garnered attention as being the come-back program for Kang Ho-dong, the main MC of the program, after leaving Good Sunday's X-man in April 2007.
Total of 31 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name맨발의 친구들 (Barefooted Friends)
StatusEnded at: November 17, 2013
11 years ago
Spoken Languages한국어/조선말
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