Family saga set in 19th century Germany, chronicling the lives of three generations of the Buddenbrook family, the owners of a family business in the northern town of Luebeck. Based on the novel by Thomas Mann.
Total of 11 episodes.
October 15, 1979
Gerd Böckmann
Christian Buddenbrook
Ruth Leuwerik
Konsulin Buddenbrook
Marion Kracht
Tony Buddenbrook
Volkert Kraeft
Thomas Buddenbrook
Rolf Boysen
Kommandant Schwarzkopf
Klaus Schwarzkopf
Bankier Kesselmeyer
Katharina Brauren
Antoinette Buddenbrook
Martin Benrath
Konsul Buddenbrook
Carl Raddatz
Buddenbrook sen.
Michael Degen
Bendix Grünlich
Sigfrit Steiner
Edmund Pfühl
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Original NameDie Buddenbrooks (Buddenbrooks)
StatusEnded at: December 23, 19791979-197945 years ago
Spoken LanguagesDeutsch