The Chou Sei Shin Series (Ultra Star God Series) is a trilogy of tokusatsu shows aired from 2003-2006. Created by Toho (who famously produced the Godzilla movies) and Konami, it was their attempt to break into the Henshin Hero market that was — at the time — dominated by Toei and their two major franchises, Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, with Tsuburaya's Ultra Series for good measure. The shows revolve around the title Ultra Star Gods: Humongous Mecha that are used by the protagonists to protect the Earth from an extraterrestrial threat.
Total of 140 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name超星神シリーズ (Chouseishin Series)
StatusEnded at: June 17, 2006
19 years ago
Spoken Languages日本語