"City Japes July 1987" is a classic sitcom set in a building in the Garden City. The story revolves around three families - the Xus, the Leungs, and the Sus - who live in the same building and interact with each other. Despite occasional conflicts, the families are close-knit and share heartwarming moments. The Xus are known for their helpfulness, the Leungs are a loving couple, and the Sus have three siblings with distinctive personalities. The show features many memorable characters, including coworkers and friends of the families.
Total of 433 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name城市故事 (City Japes July 1987)
StatusEnded at: March 9, 1988
37 years ago
Language广州话 / 廣州話
Spoken Languages广州话 / 廣州話
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