C.L.I.F. is a police procedural series produced by MediaCorp Singapore in 2011 in collaboration with the Singapore Police Force. It was aired from 31 May - 27 Jun 2011 on free-to-air MediaCorp Channel 8 and consists of 20 episodes. The drama stars Tay Ping Hui, Qi Yuwu, Elvin Ng, Joanne Peh, Chris Tong and Tracy Lee in the main roles with a large ensemble supporting cast. It was directed by Chong Liung Man, who previously directed another award-winning police procedural C.I.D., which also starred Tay and Qi in the lead roles as police officers.
Total of 105 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name警徽天职 (C.L.I.F.)
StatusEnded at: September 23, 2019
5 years ago
Spoken Languages普通话, English