Inspired by multiple true cases of false accusations, Elpis follows Ena Asakawa (Masami Nagasawa), a former network anchor whose star has faded due to scandal and now helms a late-night, less-formal magazine show. There an under-rated and rookie director Takuro Kishimoto (Gordon Maeda) begins to doubt a death row conviction which, together with Asakawa, make-up artist Cherry (Toko Miura) and star reporter Shouichi Saito (Ryohei Suzuki), they investigate and unravel as a state-wide conspiracy and cover up.
Total of 10 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Nameエルピス —希望、あるいは災い— (Elpis)
StatusEnded at: December 26, 2022
2 years ago
Spoken Languages日本語