The story follows 27-year-old Machi Takashina (Miki Mizuno), a veterinarian who has been successful in her career but still has a personal secret—she’s a virgin. Reflecting on her uneventful love life, Machi decides to change things by the time she turns 28. As she navigates comedic challenges and embarrassing situations, she encounters her childhood crush, Takumi Hirota (Naohito Fujiki). This unexpected reunion sets off a series of romantic and often humorous events as Machi tries to figure out whether her feelings for Takumi could lead to her long-awaited “first time.”
Total of 11 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name初体験 (Hatsu taiken)
StatusEnded at: March 19, 2002
23 years ago
Spoken Languages日本語
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