The sitcom depicts a fictional street in Hong Kong and the inhabitants of two households in the same building. The "Chen Family" lives on the first floor, comprising the landlord, his wife, their eldest son & daughter-in-law, and their youngest son. The "Xu Family" are their tenants - the father, his daughter, and a pet bird. The show reflects various facets of life in the city, such as government allowances for seniors, subway gate regulations, stock trading, theft, beggars, gambling, and daily household chores. It portrays heartwarming moments that leave viewers with a smile.
Total of 104 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name香港'73 (HK '73)
StatusEnded at: April 18, 1975
50 years ago
Language广州话 / 廣州話
Spoken Languages广州话 / 廣州話
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