The mini-series follows the construction and history of the famous Adlon hotel in Berlin, as seen through the eyes of Sonja Schadt, the youngest member of the wealthy fictional Schadt family who are friends with the Adlons.
Total of 3 episodes.
January 6, 2013
Rosemarie Fendel
Sonja Schadt
Josefine Preuß
Heino Ferch
Louis Adlon
Marie Bäumer
Hedda Adlon
Anja Kling
Alma Schadt
Wotan Wilke Möhring
Friedrich Loewe
Katharina Wackernagel
Margarete Loewe
Jürgen Vogel
Siegfried von Tennen
Johann von Bülow
Sebastian von Tennen
Burghart Klaußner
Lorenz Adlon
Sunnyi Melles
Ottilie Schadt
Christiane Paul
Undine Adams
Thelma Buabeng
Evamaria Salcher
Tilly Adlon
Ken Duken
Julian Zimmermann
Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey
Billy Wilder
Tom Schilling
Louis Adlon jr.
Nora Waldstätten
Tamara Lieberkoff
Ronald Kukulies
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Original NameDas Adlon. Eine Familiensaga (Hotel Adlon)
StatusEnded at: January 9, 20132013-201312 years ago
Spoken LanguagesDeutsch