I'm from Rolling Stone is a MTV reality television show directed by Norman Green. It began airing in January 2007 and was planned for ten episodes. Six aspiring music journalists were given the summer internships in hopes of getting a contributing editor position at Rolling Stone magazine. The contestants included six twenty-somethings that applied through a write-in contest: Krishtine de Leon is a local hip-hop magazine editor from San Francisco, CA; Peter Maiden, an Australian college student at UC Berkeley; Tika Milan, a lesbian poet and freelance journalist from Brooklyn; Russell Morse, a former juvenile delinquent turned reporter for a local San Francisco newspaper; Krystal Ann Simpson from Salinas with a love for classic rock; and Colin Stutz, a 20 year old University of Southern California student from Oregon.
Total of 10 episodes.
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Sign inStatusEnded at: March 18, 2007
18 years ago
Spoken LanguagesUnknown