Mégantic is inspired by the events that occurred during the Lac-Mégantic rail tragedy in 2013. This fiction follows the destinies of Méganticois marked by bereavement and trauma, but also by solidarity, courage and heroism.
Total of 8 episodes.
February 9, 2023
Julie Ringuette
Sergente Marie Gendron
Olivier Gervais-Courchesne
Patrice Laurier-Savard
Lauren Hartley
Gabrielle Lavigne
Duane Murray
Tim Richards
Isabelle Giroux
Liane Blais
Catherine Paquin-Béchard
Corine Ménard
Karl Farah
Julie Trépanier
Annick Massé
Isabelle Guérard
Julie Lamarre
Éric Robidoux
Daniel Lamarre
Nathalie Cavezzali
Claire Dubé
Bruno Marcil
Vincent Lamarre
Fred-Eric Salvail
Jérôme Lamarre
Joakim Robillard
Bryan Lussier
Luc Senay
Fernand Savoie
Sarah Anne Parent
Sandrine Savoie
Lily Thibeault
Katy Dupuy
Vincent Fafard
Alex Lebel
Julie De Lafrenière
Anabelle Poirier
Alexandre St-Martin
Yvann Gauthier
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Original NameMégantic (Megantic)
StatusEnded at: February 9, 20232023-20232 years ago
Spoken LanguagesEnglish, Français