Moonlight Mask


Moonlight Mask (aka Gekko Kamen), is a black and white tokusatsu TV drama series, produced by the advertising agency Senkosha and was aired on KRTV (now TBS) from February 24, 1958 to July 5, 1959, with a total of 130 (or 131) episodes, divided into 5 segments. Since the original show, Gekko Kamen has gained the popularity of being the first Japanese live action television superhero, appearing in films and TV shows well past the length of the original series.


Total of 130 episodes.

Chapter 1: Skull Mask71 Episodes
Chapter 2: The Secret of the Paradai Kingdom21 Episodes
Chapter 3: Mammoth Kong11 Episodes
Chapter 4: The Ghost Party Strikes Back13 Episodes
Chapter 5: Don't Turn Your Hand to Revenge14 Episodes

Top Billed Cast


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Original Name月光仮面 (Moonlight Mask)

StatusEnded at: July 5, 1959
65 years ago


Spoken Languages日本語

