Off Limits


Off Limits is an American reality television series that premiered on May 16, 2011, on the Travel Channel. The series features "untold stories and secrets" of America's most iconic cities as host Don Wildman ventures and sometimes trespasses through unexplored areas where not many people have dared to go before. First season episodes aired every Monday at 9 PM EST. The second season premiered on Tuesday April 17, 2012 at 10 PM EST. For the remainder of the season, one episode aired on a Thursday at 8 PM EST while the last few episodes were burned off on Sundays at 9 AM EST. The third season premiered on Tuesday June 4, 2013 at 10 PM EST.


Total of 30 episodes.

Season 113 Episodes
Season 213 Episodes
Season 34 Episodes

Top Billed Cast


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StatusEnded at: June 11, 2013
12 years ago


Spoken LanguagesEnglish



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