Shogun Iemitsu Shinobi Tabi was a pair of television jidaigeki series on TV Asahi in Japan. The first aired in 1990–1991 and the sequel in 1992–1993. Kunihiko Mitamura portrayed Tokugawa Iemitsu in both series. The show premiered on October 13, 1990, as an off-season replacement for the popular Abarenbo Shogun. It shared several cast members with Abarenbo Shogun, including Reiko Takashima, Ayako Tanaka and some minor guest actors. The final episode aired on March 30, 1991. The sequel ran during the same months of 1992–1993.
Total of 44 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name将軍家光忍び旅 (Shogun Iemitsu Secret Journey)
StatusEnded at: February 27, 1993
32 years ago
Spoken Languages日本語