Super TV is a new concept variety show in which varied entertainment formats are re-created and twisted in Super Junior's own way. This concept is called Super Junior Crazy Idol Variety (슈퍼주니어 i돌아이어티). The show's format will include quiz show, talk show, game show, eating show, reality, documentary, sports, film and comedy.
Season 212 Episodes
Season 212 Episodes
June 7, 2018
Super TV returns with a new concept variety show titled Game of Thrones (왕좌의 게임). Super Junior is famous for being King of Variety Show idols and will invite any idols who want to challenge them for the title. The show will still include the previous season's format, the difference being other idols will challenge them. If they can win 5 episodes in a row, they will go for a luxury holiday overseas.