The Bachelor is a 2012 Chinese family television series produced by Yujia Shixing Pictures. The series stars Xu Zheng as a 35-year-old single man under parental pressure to get married, and detailed his romantic adventures.
Total of 30 episodes.
October 7, 2012
Xu Zheng
Cao Xiaoqiang
Che Xiao
Xu Ruoyun
Zhang Xinyi
Liu Chenxi
Song Jia
Zhao Kai
Mei Ting
Gu Qing
Ma Su
Cai Weilan
Sui Lan
Ma Xiaomei
Guo Jingfei
Huang Weiye
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Original Name大男当婚 (The Bachelor)
StatusEnded at: October 7, 20122012-201212 years ago
Spoken Languages普通话