The story of a frivolous young man who later transforms into a taichi grandmaster, yet the story is more complicated than that involving a nation's struggle, a fighter's honor and a family's pride.
Total of 40 episodes.
March 30, 2017
Kevin Cheng Ka-Wing
Tang Yixin
Lin Yo-Wei
Michelle Bai
He Zhonghua
Maggie Shiu
Zhou Tingwei
Huang Tianqi
Ying Haoming
Huang Wenhao
Wang Yao
Wang Xiuzhu
Jin Feng
Yu Rongguang
Xie Miao
Zhou Xiaofei
Lu Xingyu
Yu Yan-Kai
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Original Name太极宗师之太极门 (The Chronicle of A Taichi Master)
StatusEnded at: March 30, 20172017-20178 years ago
Spoken Languages普通话