"The Forks with Spiky Hands" is a comedy animation based on the popular South Korean Naver Webcomic "Tilly the Spiky Hands". The series follows the unusual Fork Family on their everyday adventures as the parents deal with work and home life, school, and even ghosts. Daughter Tilly has pointy, sharp hands and an even sharper wit. Patriarch, Mr. Fork, wears a frightening mask but has a heart of gold. Kooky and carefree mom Mrs. Fork is crazy about cupcakes, and naughty son Chaby can talk with animals.
Total of 102 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name뾰족뾰족 포크 가족 (The Forks with Spiky Hands)
StatusReturning Series
Spoken Languages한국어/조선말, Français, English
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