Kishibe Midori (Ikeda Elaiza), an editor for a popular fashion magazine, finds herself transferring to the lexicography division following the magazine's discontinuation. The place is filled with a group of quirky characters, led by Majime Mitsuya (Noda Yojiro), a boss with a shaggy hair who is extremely serious. While being tossed about by them, Midori is influenced by their patience and passion for making a dictionary which takes over a decade, and she gradually immerses herself in the work. This drama depicts their struggles in creating and finalizing the dictionary, "The Great Passage."
Total of 10 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Name舟を編む 〜私、辞書つくります〜 (The Great Passage: I'll Make a Dictionary)
StatusEnded at: April 21, 2024
8 months ago
Spoken Languages日本語