The unforgettable children's series of ERT by Alki Zei. The adaptation of the classic novel by Alki Zei, about two sisters, Melia and Myrto, and an embalmed wildcat, or kaplan as they called it, at the time of the Metaxas dictatorship. In Samos of 1936, the girls, along with a grandfather who is constantly telling stories and a cousin, a student from Athens, will play the “game of the kaplan”, the stuffed wildcat locked inside a showcase in the house’s parlour.
Total of 10 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal NameΤο καπλάνι της βιτρίνας (Wildcat Under Glass)
StatusEnded at: March 5, 1990
35 years ago
Spoken Languagesελληνικά