Kazuo (Otoo Takuma), a young man who has been in love with an anime character for 21 years, finally succeeds in getting a date with Arisa (Takahashi Mai), a girl he sees at a game arcade who looks exactly like the character. But then a mysterious boy named Yuji (Kamiki Ryunosuke) shows up and follows Kazuo home.
~ Brother or lover, that is the question.Total of 1 episodes.
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Sign inOriginal Nameやまだひさしと音尾琢真の素晴らしい世界(第29回~最終回(第32回))スバセカ劇場(8)弟なのか、恋人なのか、それが問題だ (Wonderful World)
StatusEnded at: June 6, 2007
18 years ago
Spoken Languages日本語