

WordGirl is an American children’s animated television series for children aged 9 –12, produced by the Soup2Nuts animation unit of Scholastic Entertainment for PBS Kids. The show began as a series of shorts that premiered on PBS Kids Go! on November 10, 2006, usually shown at the end of Maya & Miguel; the segment was then spun off into a new thirty-minute episodic series that premiered on September 3, 2007 on most Public Broadcasting Service member stations. This animated show is aimed at children six to twelve years old, but viewers older than this demographic have been reported as well. It is designed to teach about the expansive English language and its vocabulary. All four seasons each have twenty-six episodes. The show is also seen on some educational networks in Canada, including Knowledge in British Columbia and TVOntario, as well as Discovery Kids in Latin America. The program is also syndicated internationally in places such as Australia and Italy.


Total of 261 episodes.

Season 152 Episodes
Season 252 Episodes
Season 326 Episodes
Season 426 Episodes
Season 527 Episodes
Season 626 Episodes
Season 726 Episodes
Season 826 Episodes

Top Billed Cast

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StatusEnded at: October 8, 2015
9 years ago


Spoken LanguagesEnglish



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