This time around its a Spook-0-Rama Spectacular from the Golden Age of the Drive-In and Movie Theaters dedicated to King of Come-ons, DONN DAVISON! Thrill to chilling coming attractions and promotions for: House of Exorcism (with a scary lead in by the master himself!) Spook Show attractions with Frankenstein, The Beatles, Monsters, Ghosts’ promo for IT, I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF, INVASION OF THE SAUCERMEN, THE SPIDER, WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST, Squeal to Mad Daddy’s Shock Theater; Kara-Kum of Hollywood and Lady Godiva! Count down the minutes to showtime! See an amazing assortment of celebrity endorsements featuring Elizabeth Montgomery for US Savings bonds, Julie Andrews for the Motion Picture Association, John Wayne for Will Rogers Memorial Hospital, Eddie Fisher for the National Education Association, Tyrone Power for the American Red Cross; the Roy Rogers Riders Club, Cary Grant and Gary Cooper for Christmas Seals,
StatusReleased: 29 years ago
January 1, 1996
Spoken LanguagesUnknown