"Box" Shuko Yoshino (played by Yuko Takeuchi), a researcher at a medical university, was suddenly hit in the head while working. When she woke up, she found herself locked in a sealed metal box. Ryota Murakami (played by Satoshi His Wife), a single office worker in "Glasses Bring Happiness", accidentally received a smart glasses. With the help of the glasses, he began to interact with the beautiful woman. Ayumu Miura (played by Mizuki Yamamoto); "Fierce House" Yukiko (Played by Miki Nakatani) Moved into a new house with her daughter Zhuli, but there seemed to be a terrible grudge living here; Hatsuno (played by Takashi Abe), the head of the financing department of "×", accidentally found a × on his forehead, but the people around him couldn't see it at all. Shotaro (played by Shinnosuke Manjima) is experiencing a difficult moment in life. When he was pushed to the extreme, he suddenly told the first lie in the world, and he and his two friends embarked on a magical journey.
Original Name世にも奇妙な物語 25周年記念!秋の2週連続SP~映画監督編~ (Tales of the Bizarre 25th Anniversary Autumn Special: Film Directors Collection)
StatusReleased: 9 years ago
November 28, 2015
Spoken Languages日本語